Eric's Auto
Please Note:
The contents of the Building Library are extremely outdated; it has not been updated in years and will likely not be made current until the completion of our new layout.
Eric's Auto is the best place to get your car serviced. It has knowledgeable staff, comprehensive body shops, Mobil gas, and a car wash. It can service four cars at once, but, if necessary, Eric's Auto can use the MSU, the Moblie Servicing Unit, to give limited service to any car in the parking lot. Eric's Auto also have two tow trucks, in case you can't get to them. Inside Eric's Auto's office is a food mart, restrooms, cashiers, and an office for the staff. The real Eric's Auto uses a model farm barn, a model train station, a toy garage, Legos, Lincoln Logs, rocks, and seventeen model cars. We have put lights inside the garage (the barn), the office (the station), and on the outside of the car wash/service center (the toy garage). This is complemented by the Christmas lights that we have strung around most of our buildings that give needed ambient outdoor light.