Welcome to E&A Trains
In 1992, we started building this G-scale layout setup on our porch. It consists of two ovals and some sidings. Some twenty-five cars roam around behind the three steam and five diesel/electric locomotives. We also have a motorized hand cart and an unused toy Christmas train. Wood, cardboard, and plastic buildings and accessories fill in the areas between tracks. As of late 2007, we are currently in the planning stages of a complete redesign, relocation, and reconstruction of the layout.
The Supplies
We use LGB, Aristocraft, and Bachmann trains. For buildings, we either make them ourselves or buy them as kits, usually from Pola. We get most of our supplies from Star Hobby, a hobby shop in Annapolis, Maryland. Links to all of the companies listed above can be found in the Links page. Other supplies that are not involved with the actual trains are bought at regular stores. For example, the "grass" that we use is actually a carpet that we got from a Home Depot or something. This is purchased in large rolls, and is more practical and durable than other paper-like grass.
Train Manufacturers' Links
LGB - Most of our trains are made by LGB.Aristocraft - Two of our diesels and some cars are made by Aristocraft.
Bachmann - We only own one piece of Bachmann rollingstock, but we love it.
USA Trains - We only own one piece of USA Trains rollingstock and future purchases are certainly not ruled out.
Other Links
Star Hobby - Our favorite hobby shop and train supplier.Trains.com - A website for trains, model trains, railroads, and train travel.
myLargeScale.com - Information, photos, and forums about G-scale model trains.
Amtrak - The site for the national railroad.
Cass Scenic Railroad State Park - This railroad in Cass, West Virginia, owns some of the last remaining shays in the world.
Great Smokey Mountains Railway - A scenic railway in the Great Smokey Mountains of North Carolina.
Strasburg Railroad - A quaint railroad in historic Strasburg, Pennsylvania.
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad - A historical railroad in Cumberland, Maryland.
RailServe.com: The Internet Railroad Directory - A guide to 14,000 rail-related websites including train travel, model railroading, railfan resources, train simulators, and railroad industry sites.
Railroad Picture Archives - A large and well-organized collection of real train and railroad pictures.